سایت رسمی شرکت آرسین شیمی پویش : 44263671, 44263672
گیمسا کد 109203
    بازديد : 606 | تاريخ : 1399/11/19 | به اشتراک بگذاريد Share

گیمسا کد 109203

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گیمسا کد 109203

گیمسا کد 109203 از کمپانی مرک آلمان

گیمسا مرک کد 109203
Giemsa Merck
کد ماده109203
بررسی مادهGiemsa's staining is one of the standard procedures in histology, hematology, cytology and bacteriology. The Giemsa's azur-eosin-methylene blue dye is a dry dye that is used for the preparation of a staining solution. This solution can be used for the staining of blood and bone marrow smears, paraffin sections, spirochaets and clinical-cytological specimens of human origin. The stain demonstrates various cells with their morphological features better than e.g. with H&E stain in histology and it can also be used to detect Helicobacter pylori in gastric tissue biopsies. Alternatively, for some applications, among others, May-Grünwald's eosin-methylene blue can be used as a substitute for Giemsa's solution. The dye is an IVD product and CE registered, thus follows extremely high quality standards.
اطلاعات ماده
HS Code3204 19 00

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تجهیزات آزمایشگاهی

.:: آرسین شیمی پویش ::. - گیمسا کد 109203

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اقلام مورد نیاز دانشجوها
کالای آزمایشگاهی


تخفيف ويژه دانشگاهیان

Merck مواد آزمایشگاهی

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